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Our Projects and Goals.

Join us on 03-17-2013 and 03-24-2013 from 9:00 am -5:00 pm. We are having a Big Building Day. Our goal is to get the shelters and coop built these two days. We are inviting vendors of all kinds to set up booths or donate items for our raffle. We have big plans for the future and then some we would like to be able to have implemented in the next few weeks and months. From Buying a larger ranch to setting up a "petting zoo" for educational purposes.​

Project 1. Build Chicken Coop

We would like to get the chicken coop built. Then take in the chickens we have been asked to take in. We would then sell the eggs to help offset some of the cost of caring for the chickens. Also getting ducks and also selling baby chicks and ducklings.

Project 2. Build goat house.

We are wanting to put our 18' x 18' goat pen to use. We need to build a shelter for the goats and then take in a few of the goats that are on our waiting list. We would like to then learn to make goat milk soap, Also the goat milk could be sold. I would also love to learn what else I could make out of the milk and sales of all these items will be to help support the animals and allow us to save more. 

Project 3. Have a "petting zoo".

We want to have a variety of animals so we can teach children and adults about raising a wide variety. This would hopefully help prevent future unwanted and abused or neglected animals. This would also teach people to not fear what they don't understand.

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